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What is an internship?

An internship is a highly-structured, sustained career preparation activity in which students are placed at a workplace for a defined period of time to participate in and observe work firsthand within a given industry. With the support of a counselor students will be consulted to determine placement, mentor and learning objectives will be specified, as well as reviewing how student performance is assessed. Length of the internship will vary based on credit weight, a longer time period in the workplace deepens the learning experience for the student. This deepened experience enhances the transference of employability skills and increases the acquisition of technical skills through hands-on experiences. The internship will be awarded 1 credit for every 120 clock hours. Internships will be graded as pass or fail. 


  • Internship Agreement Form

  • Weekly Hour Log

  • Mid-Semester Reflection

  • Final Reflection



  • Initial Meeting

  • Mid-Semester Meeting

  • Final Meeting


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